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Posts Tagged ‘single’


Posted on: June 5th, 2016 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle




Determining if your partner is cheating may not always be as cut and dry as simply waiting for naked people to jump out of your bedroom closet. However, if you suspect that your partner may be cheating, researchers have identified several things that you can look for to confirm (or refute) your suspicions.

~There are two types of infidelity: emotional and sexual. If your partner is talking a lot about spending time with someone else (with whom you think they would consider having a relationship) or acting apathetic toward you, these behaviors may indicate either type of infidelity.
Common signs that you may be the other woman:



1. He only calls you after 11pm. Let’s face it, if he can’t call you doing normal business hours, you are not his woman. If the only time he can pick up the phone (or text) you is doing standard booty call hours you have to ask yourself who he’s calling when he’s not calling you.



2. The only time he calls is when he wants sex. Regardless of the hour of day he’s calling, if the only time he calls is when he’s looking for a little bedroom action, well he may like your lady parts but he definitely doesn’t like you.



3. You haven’t met any of his friends and family. If a guy is really into a chick he’s going to (eventually) introduce her to friends and family. At the very least his friends and family will be aware that you exist. If you’ve never met anyone who is close to him, there is a good reason why and it’s not one that’s good for you.



4. He never takes you out. If the only thing he wants to do is hang out at the house and he never takes you out or attempts to take you out, there’s a reason for that. Believe me if he’s not taking you out, there’s a good chance that he ‘s out with someone else. And even if he’s not dating someone else, his unwillingness to take you out is a good sign that he hasn’t any real interest in you. You are definitely not his woman.



5. You don’t know how he spends his time when he’s not with you. If you’re clueless about how he spends his time when he’s not with you, then you don’t know him and if you don’t know him, you’re not his woman. If you ask him, “what did you do today,” and his answers are always vague, well just assume he was doing things (or spending time with someone) he doesn’t want you to know about. And if that is the case…well…you’re better off finding another man ’cause the one you have isn’t yours.


2 woman
Clues that your partner may be engaging in emotional infidelity include indications that your partner is unsatisfied with your relationship; reluctance to discuss a specific person; emotional disengagement; increased anger, guilt, anxiety, or hostility; and not wanting to spend time with you (of course, many of these signs may just mean that he is just not as interested in being in a relationship with you, the same way you would want to be in a relationship with him.
Indicators that your partner may be engaging in sexual infidelity include changes in the partner’s normal routine & changes in sexual interest. Women tend to be more sensitive to these cues, suggesting that they are more adept at monitoring for and identifying infidelity. Again, however, a very large and important caveat here is that these behaviors only suggest—and do not guarantee—that cheating is occurring.
Of course, in an ideal situation suspicions about a partner’s activities would not involve a private investigator-like monitoring. Instead, the best course of action is to build a strong relationship founded on trust and open communication where any doubts about fidelity lead to open conversations rather than a hunt for evidence. If if makes you think twice, maybe there is a reason to dig deeper. However, be wise, pay attention to the signs and don’t jump to conclusions!



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Posted on: September 6th, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle


Nights like these my mind wanders about the relationship

The relationship that pushed me to the brink 

My emotions have diminished but they are far from gone

I find myself relating my life to the words of every slow song that plays on the quiet storm

But truthfully I just want my life back but the though of you being in my future is far from gone and no part of me would deny it

My heart deepens at every sound that reminds me of you, your beauty, your laughter and your smile

As I listen to a song with no words my mind speaks loud and clear, letting my know that love is not only a verb but a process that goes on

Though I wish I could find an end to this song of no words because it has been in my head for far too long.

Levels of Respect

Posted on: August 31st, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle




Trent Shelton, a motivational speaker presented the topic on men and women and the levels of respect.


“Men let’s stop disrespecting women and women let’s stop disrespecting men. All men and women aren’t bad, it’s just the ones you choose to date. Not saying it’s ok for someone to break your heart but you should be mindful of the type  of person you choose to give your heart to.”



Many would say the overall concept and definition of dating has definitely change and a lot of ways are not traditional. With the continuous  growth of technology and resources such as matchmakers, dating websites and online dating. With these changes or even when traditionally dating, people tend to fall in one type of category or are drawn to the same thing which can lead to the same results, disrespect being one of them.



Rather people want to believe it or not change can be intimidating which is why they usually go for what they know, it’s obtainable, predictable and safe. At times we rather be comfortable instead of accepting change  but expect different results . Instead of going after what your heart desires and wants try giving it something in needs. It may not be what your use and may be something different but at times change is needed to make things better.




Are you ready to accept change?

The Balance

Posted on: July 13th, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle



How important is the physicality in a relationship? Can it be the making or breaking point at times or is it somewhat unnoticed?


Physical intimacy is very important within a relationship. Sure it may need other aspects to aide and support the notion but let alone it is still important. For those who have been in relationships or commitments for years will explain how keeping the fire burning can be a very challenging situation at times but without it a glitch can arise within your relationship.



Most women are naturally in tune with their emotions leading them to be strong in that aspect; even thought they can be looked upon as emotional beings. This is why they look forward to the emotional bond being shared within a relationship but love to combine the emotional and the physical.  Men also can be very in tuned with their emotions but are not as easily shown like those of a woman. Men are truly physical beings but a man who can combined both aspects within a relationship will truly make his lady happy.




A relationship should entail many characteristics such as commitment, loyalty, trust but don’t forget the adventure, enjoyment, excitement and keeping things feeling fresh and new those are the key things to elongating a relationship. You wouldn’t let a rose bush just shrivel and die you care for it so it can blossom and grow.  











Posted on: July 11th, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle

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Kamikaze love….



In too deep from the jump



I have placed my all, my everything



Laid out for us both




I just want you to see the feelings that lie deep inside of a tough shell




I want you to know everything because this is my last and final love




If I’m diving in there is not coming back




Either we stay here together or I’ll disappear forever




No more breakups to makeups




I’m done with wanting and yearning




I love loving you, I love us but if it ever ends





There is no more love.












Life Partners

Posted on: July 9th, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle



Most people that you know want a life partner but how will they know when they have found that special someone?


Do you feel being in love automatically presents you with your life partner  or is it a stepping stool to work on the idea? There is nothing wrong with wanting a successful relationship, having certain preferences or dealing with the likes and dislike of a relationship but by finding a life partner can bring a balance and compliments within it.


Is it the feeling, emotions and rush of excitement when you’re around them or the emptiness, loneliness and want, when you’re not around them. As most emotions are, love itself can easily be one of the most confusing concepts to deal with because there are so many variables. Falling in love or out of love is easier than one would think but finding someone to be with for the rest of your life takes more time than most think. There’s a difference between loving someone, being in love with them and choosing to spend the rest of your life with them because even marriages at times  are broken before death do you part.


Though fairy tales and love stories on the movie screens look and sound nice. there is no complete truth in how “true love” is found. True love has its ups and downs but within those challenges people are able to find what they are looking for in their significant others. Within the process of finding a life partner one should experience the journey to do so because it will not just appear in front of your eyes or drop from the sky.





Social Media and Your Relationship

Posted on: June 29th, 2013 by Executive Matchmaker Romella Battle

social media


Social media has become one of the largest bases of networking within our society.  Most people are so in tune with social media, it is the first thing they check when they wake up, when they are on a lunch break or even before they go to bed. The influence of this form of communication is so heavy it has even taken over the dating world.


Rather people know it or not or even deny it, social media does influence relationships especially in the present time. You will know if you are a participant within this stage if you have ever seen a post on Facebook or Instagram about your significant other that made you look at them twice, question where they have been in the last few hours or who another person is.


Social media has it perks as well as it downfalls when it comes to relationships and this is because so many people express their whole life story through these sources, if you’re mad at him or her you can easily post a tweet on twitter or a status on Facebook. Even if you are happy and everything appears to be in bliss you can express that as well but basically the exposure of your life is in the spotlight of millions of people; how does this affect a relationship?


